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Stop making cold calls – use MAX VoiceMail Direct and make your phone ring!


Using a revolutionary Ringless VoiceMail, MAX VoiceMail Direct can reach thousands of consumers in your market area, leave them a voice message, and never disturb or annoy them like “robo-calls” do. You just wait for potential customers to call you!  

And it’s 100% FTC, TCPA and CRTC compliant!

Lead Generation Made Simple

We have developed the answer to the client acquisition problem.

MAX VoiceMail Direct is a Cloud Based Client Acquisition System that makes landing new clients truly effortless!

Why MAX VoiceMail Direct ?

MAX VoiceMail Direct is effective and cost efficient. The listen rates on Voice Mail Messages vs other methods are dramatically higher:

  • Voicemail Listen Rate 96%
  • SMS Advertisement (Text) Open Rate 87%
  • Live Agent Call Listen Rate 54%
  • Voice Broadcasting/Robo Call Listen Rate 39%
  • Email Ad Open Rate 23%

Does MAX VoiceMail Direct Work? The Answer: YES!

With hundreds of clients and users worldwide, the process is sleek and streamlined. We value your time and will take as little of it as possible, while driving leads and customers directly to your phone.


Max VoiceMail Direct sample scripts and campaing results:


Realtor - VoiceMail Script to first time buyers

Hi, this is Steve Johnson with Remax Advantage Plus.

I’m doing an Open House for a property that would be perfect for First Time Homebuyers. Please call me at 952-314-XXXX and I’ll give you the specifics.


Campaign Results:
(Send to renters around the Open House) Drops: 199

Call Backs: 49
Script Conversion: 24.6% 

Realtor - VoiceMail Script to get more listings

Hi, this is Jake Miller with Remax Advantage Plus. I just wanted to let you know that we just sold a home in the Rosemount area, and there are way more buyers than sellers with homes for sale. If you’ve been considering selling your home, please give me a call because we may already have a buyer. My number is 952-649-XXXX. Call now and be prepared for the market to light up after the New Year. Once again, that’s 952-649-XXXX. Thanks.

Campaign Results:
Drops: 115
Call Backs: 19
Script Conversion: 16.5%

Carpet Cleaning- VoiceMail Script to consumers

“Hi, its Rick from Happy Home and Commercial Floors. We’re looking to partner with a Janitorial company in the Tarrant County area who are in need of someone reliable to handle floors for them. We clean and seal tile, re-color grout, clean upholstery, and are experts in commercial carpets. Please give me a call back and we can discuss in more detail. Again my name is Rick, and you can reach me at 555-1212 Thanks.”
Campaign Results:
Numbers split: 217 landlines, 47 Cell/VOIP lines
Total Drops: 146
Call backs: 17
Script Conversion: 12% 


A good voicemail recording (script) can get from 8% to even 30% of call backs.


MORE THAN 50% OF RESPONSES COMES WITHIN FIRST 2 HOURS, after the message delivery.


OVER 95% OF THE CALL-BACKS from voicemail messages occur within the first 24 hours.

Start to receive leads in 4 easy steps:

STEP 1 - Set up an account

Set up an account to  access and track to your voicemail deliveries and access your reports .

STEP 2 - Choose your List

Choose from millions of contacts and phone numbers from our databases or upload your own list.

STEP 3 - Choose & Record a VoiceMail

Choose from our proven scripts for different industries and record your own voice (or we can record it for you).

STEP 4- Start Receiving Live Calls

When the campaign starts, you will begin to receive calls from potential leads within minutes or hours.

Tired of making COLD CALLs with no results? You are not alone!


Making outbound sales calls are not easy, in fact it is unproductive, most of the time!

Most of us, sales professionals, make on average 30 to 100 outbound calls daily. It is frustrating and with little rewards!


It is hard to concetrate just on sales calls: 


On average, sales reps spends 41% of their time selling and 59% non-selling.


I hate making cold calls! It is frustating! 



48% = "Not interested"


14% "Call me back later"


27% = "Have not looked at it"


5% = "Send me an email"


You better be very fast to offer your services: 


 When you finally get someone on the phone, cold calls typically average only 20 seconds.


Here is a shortcut to talk to prospects and customers. 

Get them to call you! Use our proven MAX VoiceMail Direct platform.

 Our state of the art platform software can leave your personal message directly to your prospects’ phone voicemail.

We can use your list of contacts or we can use our list of our updated database of contacts in various industries. 


One customer had 64 call backs in less than 3 days! 

Once you set up your campaign and our MAX VoiceMail Direct starts to make the ringless calls and leaving voicemails, the prospects will start to call you in minutes and hours. 


We provide complete detailed call and split test reports.

You can easily follow and track all the voicemail delivevies, and calls received from your campaign.  We even record the calls, for your review, if so desired. 

Mobile  Consumer Market

90% of americans own a mobile phone today.

24% of smartphone users have paid bills with their mobile device.

Mobile phone users check their voicemail 22 times per day.

More than 50% of U.S. households only have a mobile phone, not a landline.

Who benefits the most with MAX VoiceMail Direct?

Ideal for Individual Sales Agents

Perfect for Sales Team

Works well for a group of agents

MAX VoiceMail Direct is the way to get more leads.  Our lead generation system is ideal for individual sales agents as well as for teams of agents.


INDUSTRIES- Our software solutions works well for many businesses, including:

Real Estate Agents/Brokers

Mortgage Lenders

Insurance Agents

Law Firms

Political or Survey Pollsters


Medical Doctors/Clinics

Opportunity Seekers

Computer Repairs

Website / SEO Services


Auto Dealerships

Retail Stores




HVAC Contractors

Merchant Services


Internet Marketing

HVAC Contractors

Carpet Installers/Cleaners

Home Remodelers



Debt Collectors


Reputation Reviews Mngt

Video Production Services 

and many others

MAX VoiceMail Direct – PRICING

All plans include:

  • Full access to our platform
  • A list of fresh leads of your choice for niche markets with phone numbers
  • Lists for your own email campaign
  • FREE Professionally Recorded VoiceMail messages
  • VoiceMail set up
  • Custom Script with split testing for up to 3 scripts
  • Call tracking and detailed reporting
  • Platinum email, Chat, and Phone support
  • We only count the successfully delivered VoiceMails
  • No contract, cancel anytime
  • Contact us for large and customized Pricing Plan


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$67 ea

Single Avatar

100 + 50 Bonus = 150  VoiceMails/mo (at $0.45/ea)


FREE search and downloads of up to 1,000 custom Business & Consumer LEADS per month 


$227 $197/mo

High-producing Agent

500 + 75 Bonus = 575 VoiceMails/mo (at $0.34/ea)


FREE UNLIMITED searches and downloads of custom Business & Consumer LEADS per month



Smal Team Agent

1,500 + 100 Bonus= 1,600 VoiceMails/mo (at $0.25/ea)


FREE UNLIMITED searches and downloads of custom Business & Consumer LEADS per month+



Multi Agent

3,000 + 300 Bonus = 3,300 VoiceMails/mo (at $0.18/ea)


FREE UNLIMITED searches and downloads of custom Business & Consumer LEADS per month

Buy 100 Additional VoiceMails @ WHOLESALE PRICE of $0.49 each = $49.00

Buy it Now

Buy 300 Additional VoiceMails @ WHOLESALE PRICE of $0.45 each = $135.00

Buy it Now

Buy 500 Additional VoiceMails @ WHOLESALE PRICE of $0.39 each = $195.00

Buy it Now

Buy 1,000 Additional VoiceMails @ WHOLESALE PRICE of $0.29 each = $290.00

Buy it Now

Buy 3,000 Additional VoiceMails @ WHOLESALE PRICE of $0.19 each = $570.00

Buy it Now

MAX VoiceMail Direct FAQs

Frequently asked questions

What’s a MAX VoiceMail Direct?

MAX VoiceMail Direct is a software service that delivers your marketing message as a voice mail to prospects without ringing thier phone. Each successfully delivered message is referred to as a Drop”. This is a painless way of generating hot prospects who call you to learn more. This Ringless VoiceMail solution is much more efficient than making cold calls, robo-calls or email campaigns.

What type of phone can used to deliver MAX VoiceMail Direct?

Cell phones, VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol), and landline numbers can receive MAX VoiceMail Direct.

Is this legal/compliant?

100% yes. To achieve our “Ringless” to cell phones and VOIP numbers, the drops are sent via server to server file transfer that never uses a phone line (dont worry, we have marketing materials and flyers in the members area to help you, and help your clients, understand our full compliance).

We have at no extra charge National DNC scrubbing tools at your disposal.

All of our provided for you lists (DFY- done for you) are pre-scrubbed against the DNC (do not call list).

Where do we get contact name with phone numbers to use with MAX VoiceMail Direct?

We give them to you or we can use your own list of contacts! With a MAX VoiceMail Direct subscription you get access to our HUGE database of business and residential/consumer phone numbers. Just fill out a form choosing the criteria you want to generate a list based on (available socioeconomic, geographic  information, etc) and well send you the list AND upload it to your account for your convenience.

How do I know what to say to my customers on the voicemail that is delivered?

Use our extensive library of professionally created, split tested, and proven scripts, or brainstorm your script ideas that can be used for your voicemail. We test 10-20 scripts in various niches to identify exactly what “works”, and gets prospects calling you back! We have many proven scripts in several niche markets. Contact us for more details.

How do credits (VoiceMail) work?

1 credit = 1 successfully delivered “Drop”(voicemail delivered).  You dont pay for failed drops or minutes.  With a MAX VoiceMail Direct subscription (optional) to our extensive Done For You (DFY) services you also receive the amount of the credits of your package (program).

 Or you can buy credits in bundles on demand there are never any surprise charges, you are always in control!

Can I use this if I am not in America?

YES! You can send drops FROM anywhere in the world with our cloud based software and Done For You services and you can send drops TO the US, Canada, Australia, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Peru, Argentina, and Chile (And we are always working to expand our reach).

Is there a recurring fee?

No. You are going to be provided with a user account to access the software as long as you are current.  We do offer a subscription Done For You service which has a monthly fee and includes:   unlimited lead list generation for both business prospects and consumer/residential prospects, unlimited campaign set up and management and platinum chat, email and phone support.

How can I upgrade, downgrade or cancel my plan?

Simply contact us and ask us to change or cancel your plan at any time.  If you request to cancel, the VoiceMail usage (delivered) and or prorated amount will be discounted.  We should refund your money within  5 business days.

When will I be billed?

The payments are billed automatically on your credit card or paypal account every 30th day after your initial payment.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept PayPal, MasterCard,  VISA, Discover and Amereican Express.

What happens when my subscripion expires?

The subscription is monthly. We will charge the same credit card or paypal account every month until you send us a written request to cancel.

What happens when I reach the maximum number os voicemail (drops)of my account balance?

 When you reach the limit of voicemail delivered successfully, our platform will autommatically stop sending new voice mails.  You will be able to see that on your account.  You can always buy more credit to send more voicemails based on the price of your packagage plan. i.e, if your are on the STARTER package and you  have already used all your credit for voicemail, you can buy packages of 100, 500, 1,000 or 3,000 voicemail drops for as low as $0.19 each.

How secure is my payment information?

We use Paypal as a form of payment, which is extremly secure and recognized all over the world.

Call us for a Demo

Contact us for a DEMO and get a 100 MAX Voice Mail for FREE, when you sign up.

DEMO & FREE 50 VoiceMail Credis

You can learn more about our Terms of Service